Immortalize your love
Laura Z Organisation

The story of Laura Z Organization






Birth of Laura Z

The adventure can begin, a team at your service, to realize your dreams even the craziest come true

Grâce à une ancienne élève qui a racheté la boîte, celle-ci continue de briller avec le même niveau de luxe et d’excellence. Sa passion et son engagement ont permis de perpétuer le savoir-faire traditionnel tout en insufflant une nouvelle dynamique à l’entreprise. Aujourd’hui, la marque reste un symbole de perfection et d’élégance, fidèle à son héritage tout en ouvrant de nouvelles perspectives pour l’avenir.


First Birth

The first baby Laura Z, a great emotion.


The 100th wedding

Reinforced expertise, always with the same love of refinement. On the attention to detail scale, we push the cursor a little further each time.


Training school

Creation of our training school for future Wedding Planners

Laura Z Organization celebrates 15 years

We have organized more than 300 events: weddings, engagements, birthdays, births and prestigious evenings for companies or embassies.
2020 Today

Our training school is 8 years old

More than 250 Wedding Planners trained in this exciting profession from all over France but also from abroad. They are now ready to organize beautiful weddings.

«Let’s write your story»

Make your wedding or event a magical and unforgettable moment of happiness