Immortalize your love
Laura Z Organisation

Immortalize your love
Laura Z Organization Wedding Planner

Wedding Planner - Wedding Designer
Organisation de Mariages et de Réceptions privées

Wedding Planner with 16 years of expertise and 350 events to our credit to organize the wedding of your dreams

                Organisateur de mariage une équipe d’experts à votre disposition pour organiser un événement magique et unique.        Une agence de Wedding Planner spécialiste du Wedding Planning dans le domaine du luxe en France et à l’étranger

Laura.Z  renait grâce  à une ancienne élève qui a racheté la boîte, celle-ci continue de briller avec le même niveau de luxe et d’excellence. Sa passion et son engagement ont permis de perpétuer le savoir-faire traditionnel tout en insufflant une nouvelle dynamique à l’entreprise. Aujourd’hui, la marque reste un symbole de perfection et d’élégance, fidèle à son héritage tout en ouvrant de nouvelles perspectives pour l’avenir.

A Wedding Planner agency at your service from creative design, to the management of D-Day through the production of the event

Paris Wedding Planner: a unique tailor-made service we listen to you and together build the wedding of your dreams knowing that no decision will be made without your consent.

Paris Wedding Planning, wedding planner, we work on your event projects in 360 degree mode: proposals for prestigious reception venues, assembly of ephemeral structures,  les meilleurs caterers and chefs, scenography design, wedding floral design, musical programming, lighting, wedding planning advice.

A substantial Address Book: selection of the best talented and creative providers corresponding to your expectations, throughout France and abroad

"At Laura Z, beyond the infinite care taken in the organization of the weddings entrusted to us, the search for the comfort of the guests and the pleasure of the bride and groom is paramount.

Laura Z Agence Wedding Planner Paris: the guarantee of an exceptional wedding in all serenity »

Transparency of clear and precise fees, a signed contract, providers paid directly by you.

Confidence : a collaboration based on trust and frankness where you have all the informations and quotations.

Laura Z Organization - Paris Wedding Planner Luxe 

Wedding Planner School
Laura Z Organisation

Wedding Planner a business passion and a constantly growing market ensure you a promising future while making your dream come true. Our training will give you all the tools and methods which you need. At the origin of this training, the know-how and the expertise of Laura Z organization Wedding Planner. An agency that has now been in existence for 15 years, with more than 350 prestigious events to its credit and a reputation established in the world and luxury weddings.


Organisation de mariage - Laura Z

Wedding Planner for 15 years

Wedding Planner in Paris and throughout France for 15 years with more than 350 receptions to our credit. We organize high-end luxury weddings prestigious events and high-end receptions.

Organizing your wedding with your wedding planner is an expertise at your service to make all your dreams come true.

Organized Weddings
Laura Z babies
Years of experience
Champagne served

Testimonials of happy newlyweds

« Une journée inoubliable. J’ai encore plein d’étoiles dans les yeux ! Je n’arrive toujours pas à descendre de mon petit nuage. Le 7 juillet 2018, j’ai réalisé mon rêve de petite fille, me marier avec mon prince. Cette journée était comme dans un conte de fées, je me suis transformée en Cendrillon. Un grand merci à Laura Z pour ce mariage magique ! »

Virginie and Eric

Saturday 7th July 2018 Paris

We wanted to thank you all for the love and support we received from every single one of you on one the most beautiful day of our lives. it’s been a journey of love, fun and a lot of emotions. We are finally back home from our honeymoon, a wonderful honeymoon i have to say !!! Words can not express how grateful we are for all these memory that we will forever cherish!!!! thank you for being part of our journey it wouldn’t have been the same without you guys!!!! To us family is everything!!! we love you all!!!!! a special thank you to Laura Z for making our vision come to life, you pulled it off !!!

Cédrique and Keneth

Saturday 6th July 2019 Paris